Minutes: January 23rd

President Dr. Scott Stein opened meeting at 6:03 PM

Dr. Stein welcomed the persons in attendance and those online.
Dr. Stein then read the names of members and or members family who passed away since our last meeting in 2022.

We then moved into the presentation of the redo of the EPAHOF bylaws and introduction of a new Policies manual to go along with the proposed amended bylaws. Dr. Stein introduced the members who took charge of making the revisions and amendments, including Ron Leiman (Parlimentarian), Chris Lopez, Ray Adauto, Wayne Thornton, Gene Semko, Manny Ontiveros, and Ruben Ramirez. Ron and Wayne then went point by point through the documents. They both explained that the drafts were written with bold letters indicating additions or rewriting of changes to the Bylaws, italicized letters used for minor revisions to make it more coherent, and any letter in standard print are carry over from previous bylaws with no amendments or emphasis. A discussion was held after the presentation to address concerns or to offer amendments to the proposed articles.

Several members made comments on the proposed changes to the 2024 proposed election of inductees, with concerns voiced by several in the audience, the amended Bylaws will be voted on at the next scheduled meeting.

Dr. Stein thanked the members of the task force for completing the assignment.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. Next scheduled meeting February 6, 2023

Respectfully submitted,

Ray Adauto, Secretary

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